Easy and simple home made face scrub
Making an easy, pure, natural home made scrub that works is simpler than you think.
Here is a proven recipe my four daughters and myself have been using for many years.
You can effortlessly make it yourself at home for an all natural facial scrub. It is simple, as organic as it can be and very fresh.
1) Put in the blender:
Half a cup of rolled oates
A quarter of a cup of sunflower seeds.
Blend it for 30 to 60 secondes or until it is quite fine.
Pour the mixture in an air thight container. When you are ready to use it then follow these simple steps.
2) In a small bowl measure:
Two tablespoons of the above mixture
Two tablespoons of water
One teaspoon of honey
Mix well
3) Spoon the mix into your hands and scrub your skin gently making circular motions. Repeat until all the mixture has been used.
Rinse well.
4) Pat dry your skin gently
5) Alternatively you might wish to add some pure honey on your face.
Keep it for 10 minutes then rinse off. Honey makes a wonderful mask which brings the blood circulation to the surface of the skin and more nurturing for the skin.
6) Apply a few drops of your facial oil. Our unique Australian certified calendula oil is wonderful as a facial oil, leaving your skin soft and nurtured.
7) Follow with a moisturiser selected for your skin type. Here are my recommendations.
Normal and dry skin : Rose Facial Moisturiser
Dry or mature skin : Rich Facial Moisturiser
Oily or very young skin : Ultra Light Facial Moisturiser
Enjoy your own home made natural spa treatment. Feel the nourishment and care it gives you.