“Which product would you recommend for my skin?”
This question comes up at least once at the market where I go every Sunday at Northey St in Brisbane. We have a conversation, settle on a product or two. Within two weeks following this exchange the client comes back to tell me how happy she is (9.5 out of 10 the person is a lady), how people at work are asking her what has she been using and how wonderful her skin feels.
Let me share with you the questions that help to define which facial skincare would be best for you.
- Which skin type do you think you have? You have an idea for yourself of what your skin type is. You live in your skin since the beginning of your life. Trust your observations and judgement. Would you say your skin is dry, normal, oily? Is it a mix maybe? Oily in the middle and dry on the cheeks? Do you have any redness on the cheeks or the forehead? Give yourself the best description you can of your skin.
- Which consistency do you like? Now this might surprise you but truly this is important. No matter what I think you ‘should’ use on your skin, you need to be happy to use it. It needs to feel good for you. Between having the ‘perfect skincare’ for you that you really dislike using because of the texture and the scent or having a skincare that might not be as rich as what you would need but that you really, really, really enjoy using guess which option is best? Yes, the second one. Consider which consistency you enjoy having on your skin? If in doubt start with something super light. After a little while if you want a richer skincare you can ‘upgrade’ in the consistency department.
- Choose a simple formulation. Consider using a formulation which is simple: a few ingredients which will work well and easily on your skin: good quality oil such as olive, apricot, almond, jojoba, macadamia. Keep it simple. Let your skin adjust and see how it takes it in.
- Essential oil or no essential oil? This question deserves a blog on its own. For now, you can ask yourself: do I wish to have a skincare with no essential oil or with some beneficial essential oils? This question is valid because these days some people have developed reactions to essential oils for a reason or another. If you feel your skin would benefit by simplifying the skincare and have no essential oil, look for that option.
- What is your age group?This question is actually more or less relevant. More often than not the younger people like a skincare which is very light. While the more mature group think that they should have a rich skincare. The truth is that it depends what you like for your skin. I have four daughters which, at the time of writing this blog, range from 27 to 19 years old. The youngest one loves using the richest of the moisturiser I make. When I realised this, I was surprised and asked her why she uses and likes this moisturiser so much. She said: “Mum! It’s the best!”. In fact, all our products contain excellent quality oils. This single element is very important. Good quality oils feed the skin. Ideally, they penetrate deeply to feed the under layers of the skin. So the answer to the question of this section refers you to point #2.
- Light, rich or very rich:which one is for you? Let’s see some guiding rules depending of your skin type. Dry skin- it is beneficial to use a rich or very rich moisturiser. You can use a light moisturiser for the morning and a rich or very rich one for the night. Another alternative is to apply a few drops of facial oil first followed by a light or rich moisturiser. Normal skin – It is beneficial to use a light moisturiser in the morning and a rich one at night. Applying a few drops of facial oil before moisturising is a very beneficial practice. Oily skin– it is beneficial to apply either a good quality facial oil which penetrates quickly on its own on the oily parts of the skin and a light moisturiser on the normal or dry part of the skin. In doubt, refer back to point #2.
- Above all else – apply a natural skincare (chemical free - more on this in a blog to come as to why the chemical free skincare is a good idea for your overall health) containing good quality oil which will nurture, repair and moisturiser your skin and make it a routine, a ritual, a self-care time for you.