Herbalist Consultation
Enjoy vitality and wellbeing with natural health solutions

Health is made out of many aspects and every individual is unique.
These two premises guide me in the practice of Western Herbal Medicine.
The aim of a herbalist consultation with me is to help you:
What happens in an herbalist consultation?
After the initial contact, two questionnaires are sent to you and filled in. Those questionnaires cover many areas relating to past health history, family health history, lifestyle, psychological aspects and the different physiological systems.
After the returned questionnaires are read and analysed an appointment is made.
The initial consultation takes 90 minutes during which we explore the different elements involved in your life in relation to the health issue you wish to address.
We create a customised and clear plan of action which is tailored to your life. Recommendations may include food, lifestyle, liquid herbal blend customised for you on the day, therapeutic tea, and supplements if needed.
A follow up may be indicated. If it is the case it is usually 2 to 4 weeks later and last 60 minutes. Reassessment is made during the follow up and adjustments made if necessary until optimal health is attained.
You can get help with
Hormonal - Smooth transition into menopause, pms, painful periods, pre conception preparations.
Respiratory – sinusitis, repetitive seasonal cold
Digestion – hearth burn, irritable bowl, bloating, healthy weight.
Skin issues – acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
Vitality and Energy – low energy, fatigue, low blood iron level
Immunity – improve the strength of your immune system.
Family health
Consultation & prices
Initial consultation 90 minutes $90
Follow up 60 minutes $70
Book a consultation today
To book for a consultation, text me your email address. You will be emailed questionnaires to fill in and send back before the initial consultation.
Lise Racine
Mobile: 0419021606 E: lise@theherbalgardener.com.au
Tallebudgera, Gold Coast
My backgroung
Mother of four daughters, I have used natural health and herbalist solutions with my family for over 30 years.
I hold a degree in nursing from University Laval, Québec, Canada.
I worked at the Montreal Children Hospital before taking part in a multidisciplinary, epidemiological team at the Community Health Centre for Montréal.
I have completed the three years course of Herbalist Therapist Naturopath with Herbotheque, Québec, Canada.
In Australia, I am a member of NHAA.
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